How to take your life from ordinary to extraordinary

As believers, we should desire a life that’s beyond average. But too often we settle for a life that’s “just okay” instead of extraordinary.

We shouldn’t settle for a good marriage when we could have a great marriage. You see, we can settle for mediocrity with mundane jobs and minimal ministries – or we can take action to escape apathy and live life in ways that are beyond our wildest imaginations.

So how do we become more active, passionate, and joyful followers of Jesus Christ? You’ll find three virtues highlighted in the book of Proverbs that will help you move your life beyond average to awesome:

1. Choose to be obedient: put God’s Word into action.

Remember what Jesus said? “If you love me, you will keep my commandments” (John 14:15). Obedience to God and His Word will move you from apathy to action!

We’re commanded to be witnesses, faithful worshipers, and prayer warriors; to give generously to the work of Christ; and to love God’s Word. We’re commanded to live holy lives for Christ (not just happy, but holy). Are you living in obedience to God’s instructions?

God has put you where you are to be a witness for Him. When you’re obedient to God in everything you do, He’ll use you in powerful, meaningful ways for His Kingdom.

2. Choose to be diligent: serve God wholeheartedly.

Romans 12:11 says, “Be fervent in spirit, serve the Lord.” Your strong work ethic will give you credibility at your office with your coworkers and at school with your classmates. The Christian ought to do more than the average. God has not called us to do just the minimum required. No, we’re to exceed with excellence.

3. Choose to be resilient: keep pursuing godliness.

I want to have resilient faith that remains constant against all odds, because people are dying, people are broken, and we’ve been called to help.

Proverbs 21:21 says, “Whoever pursues righteousness and kindness will find life, righteousness, and honor.” ‘Pursue’ is a strong word; it means “to chase down.” In spite of what the world and our flesh say, we must pursue godliness and righteousness.

As you choose to keep pursuing true obedience, tenacious diligence, and tough resilience, you’ll go from living an ordinary life to living an extraordinary life that will impact the people around you – and the world!




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And from his fullness we have all received, grace upon grace. –John 1:16 As human beings, you and I sin. We mess up. In fact, you’ve probably already messed up

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