How you can be at the top of your game

My passion for baseball began when I was three years old. My dad placed a glove on one of my tiny hands, and a ball in the other, and the deal was sealed: I’d love the game all my days.

I’m sad to say that my days in the diamond are done, but I still love watching others play, especially those who are at the top of their game. 

Of course, as in all sports, the players who excel are those who are best prepared. The ones who win the pennant are those who have persevered through setbacks, injuries, and losses – determining that no matter what, they are going to get that prize.

It’s the same in the Christian life. And if you want to be at the top of your game as a follower of Jesus, then you have to have the same mind-set as an elite athlete.

As the apostle Paul writes:

“One thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 3:13-14)

Friend, you and I must develop spiritual muscle so that we’re actively and fully engaged in the race we’re running – and the battles we’re fighting!

I’d love to help you do that by showing you how to fix your eyes on the unseen realities of the spiritual realm – both in the here and now and in the life to come. My book Unseen will do just that, and it’s my way of thanking you for your gift this month. I pray it will help you rise to the top of your game, for Jesus’ sake!


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