How you overcome temptation

No temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man…. 

–1 Corinthians 10:13 

There are some people today who think that being a Christ follower means they should live free from temptation. But that’s just not true. 

You see, before we came to faith, we didn’t feel the struggle of sin’s temptation. We gave in to it. But now that you and I are in Christ, we feel the pull between the old life and our new life him. It’s precisely because we are in Christ that we should expect to face temptation and struggles. After all, Jesus himself faced temptation. Remember?

At the very outset of his ministry, Jesus went alone into the wilderness to pray. While he was isolated, Satan came and tempted him in three areas: his physical appetite, earthly ambition, and spiritual allegiance. And Satan attacks us in these same ways. 

But listen! Jesus has shown us that we can overcome temptation’s pull. Now you may say, “Hold on! That was Jesus. I can’t do that.”  But you can! 

Jesus endured temptation as a human being just like you and me. Look at today’s verse of Scripture. Temptation is nothing new. Jesus felt the same temptations you feel today, and he resisted!

Are you struggling with the temptation of sin? This is your call to battle! 

Don’t give in! Jesus is with you and he has overcome! 


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