Is your hope alive?

… He has caused us to be born again to a living hope….

–1 Peter 1:3

You can literally see it when one someone loses hope. The pain of hopeless can hurt so badly that a person will try almost anything to escape it. That’s why some people who have lost hope abuse drugs or alcohol just to escape the pain. But that is no solution.

There is only one real answer for hopelessness. Only God can elevate us and lift us from the pain and suffering of hopelessness. Peter wrote, “…he has caused us to be born again into a living hope….”

You see, the hope we have in Jesus Christ is a living thing made possible by the resurrection of Jesus Christ. And hope lives inside you when you have asked Christ into your life.

So I ask you, is your hope alive? Are you holding tightly to the hope found in Jesus Christ?

I want you to know this. If Jesus Christ lives in your heart, he has gripped you in an embrace of love and hope that is eternal. And nothing, no struggle, no fear, and no circumstance can separate you from his love.

So let Jesus Christ renew your hope today. Look for your hope in Jesus Christ and the promise of his return and you will find it!


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