Jesus came to find us

… no one seeks for God.

— Romans 3:11

Do you realize that religion doesn’t seek the one true God? That may surprise you, but it’s true. Religion is nothing more than man’s frail effort to create God in his own image. 

But while religion is man’s quest to be like God, the Christian faith is about God’s search for man! Isn’t that amazing? This is what separates Christianity from the world’s religions. Luke 19:10 says, “The Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost.” 

So when someone says, “I found the Lord,” in all honesty, they didn’t. The Lord found them! You and I were lost and he came looking for us. And he found us and loved us and made it possible for us to be forgiven of our sin.

Now some people resent being judged as sinful. And if you feel this way, pay close attention, because this is the very part of our nature that rebels against God. But Romans 3:23 clearly states that, “all have sinned and fall short of God’s glory.” 

We are lost without him and doomed to be separated from a holy God. But in his endless love, God sent a Savior to find us and to pay the ultimate price for our sin.

Don’t let your pride stand between you and eternity with our loving heavenly Father. Repent and turn from your sin and begin to follow Jesus today! 


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