Jesus is your advocate

… But if anyone does sin, we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous.

–1 John 2:1

Has the devil ever tried to “re-try” you for a past sin? The enemy just loves to bring up sins that we’ve confessed to God. He’ll say things to us like, “You can’t be forgiven. There’s no hope for your sin!”  

Well, if our salvation was dependent on us, this would be true. But you and I have an advocate who sits at the right hand of God! And when the devil tries to condemn and blame us, Christ Jesus is representing us before the Father saying, “He’s ours, Father. She belongs to us.” And the case is closed.

However, there is no forgiveness for sin apart from Jesus. If you don’t know him, you will die in your sin and will be forever separated from God. There is no greater tragedy that this.  

But maybe you’re wishing you could start over in life. Perhaps you’re thinking, “If only I could be truly forgiven of my sin. If only I could forgive myself.” You can!  

Jesus died to wash away your sins and to give you a brand new life! 

Pray right now, “Dear Lord, I know I have sinned against you. Please forgive me and become Lord of my life. Be my advocate. And give me power to live in victory over sin.”


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