Keeping your God-given dreams alive

So when Joseph came to his brothers, they stripped him of his robe….

–Genesis 37:23

God called Joseph a successful man, even though it may be hard to imagine why based on the Scripture above.

You see, the hands of the Lord were on Joseph. And the secret of his success was the dreams that God had placed in his heart. And in these dreams Joseph fulfilled the destiny that God had given him.

In the Scripture, we can see that Joseph’s dreams nearly died when his brothers took his coat, put him in a pit, and sold him into slavery. And again when he was falsely accused and imprisoned.

You and I have something in common with Joseph. God gives us dreams, too. He gives you dreams for your future, for your family, for your ministry, for your life, and for your career.

But my friend, I want you to hear this. We have something else in common with Joseph. It is a near certainty that your God-given dream will be on a collision course with difficulty.

When that happens, don’t let those difficulties rob you of your dreams or your destiny. Do not listen to Satan who would say, “What about those dreams? Where’s your God now?”

I want you to persevere through every trial like Joseph did. But to do that, you need to allow God to teach you the lessons you need to learn… and keep believing that the day will eventually come when God fulfills the dreams and plans he has for you!


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