Lessons from nature to help your faith bloom

In spring, it’s as if the windows of heaven open and God smiles upon us. Everything in nature awakens and raises its head to praise Him. That is, everything but my tulips!

If you’ve ever planted tulips, then you know they’re a mystery. Those odd-looking bulbs produce the most delicate flowers. They appear without warning and alert us to spring in a beautiful way.

But only if they have the right circumstances… which I learned after mine failed to appear one year.

I waited for them and searched for them, but there were no tulips. So I began studying the art of planting tulips. And yes, there is a wrong way and a right way to nurture them. I soon realized they are a lot like our lives. For instance…

Tulips have to be chosen or selected. God chose you and me to be redeemed. Jesus paid the price for our sins when He died on the cross.

Tulips have to be planted at a certain time. There was a perfect time when Christ called your name and mine, and we accepted Him. God knows the days of our lives, and He calls us in exactly the right season.

Tulip bulbs are to be planted four to five inches deep and at least six inches apart. After accepting Christ, we must plant ourselves where we have the best opportunity to grow.

Tulip bulbs are fed by the nutrients in the soil. Being planted in Christ is the key to whatever growth will take place in our Christian walk.

The wide base of the tulip bulb should always be planted facing down. The Christian life is all about giving Jesus everything and being unashamedly facedown before Him.

After planting, pack the soil on top of the tulip bulbs and give them a light watering. We are to cover ourselves with the grounding of Jesus, and water our lives with His Word daily.

Tulips break through insurmountable odds to grow and bloom. In the same way, you and I have the potential to be strong, radiant, and fully alive if we follow the Creator’s instructions. May your life glorify God, just as the tulips adorn His creation!



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Today's Devotional

And from his fullness we have all received, grace upon grace. –John 1:16 As human beings, you and I sin. We mess up. In fact, you’ve probably already messed up

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