Let God transform your heart

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come.

–2 Corinthians 5:17

If you walk into any bookstore today, you’ll find shelves and shelves of self-improvement books…books about how to change and improve your life.

So many of us fall into the trap of thinking that changing our jobs…changing our appearance…or changing our environment will make us happy. But it just isn’t true!

All of these external changes may temporarily improve your life…they may better your life for a time…but none of them can change your life. You may move around. You may change cars. You may even change jobs. But you know what? Wherever you go, it’s the same old you, right?

It’s not that your circumstances or your surroundings need to change. It’s your heart that needs to change. It’s your heart that needs a new birth.

The Bible is pretty clear when it talks about our hearts. In Jeremiah 17:9, it says, “The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately sick.” The heart, according to the Bible, is not good!

Which means your heart needs a spiritual transformation. I’m not talking about a resolution…promising to be better, do better, or live better. I’m talking about a revolution!

It’s something so radical, so dramatic, that it’s like beginning life all over again! It’s a new beginning! It’s an inward change! Your heart undergoes a spiritual transformation when God takes it and transplants it with His love and His heart.

So my challenge to you today is…let God transform your heart. Realize that no external change can truly make you joyful or fulfilled. Only a heart transformed by God will. So let Him create a new beginning in you today!


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