Living Godly

Though you have not seen him, you love him. Though you do not now see him, you believe in him and rejoice with joy that is inexpressible and filled with glory.

–1 Peter 1:8

What’s your definition of a holy life?  You might be surprised to find out that God is not only holy; God is happy!

And when we talk about living a holy life, we are talking about living a life full of energy, life, power, and joy. 

As our verse for today says, we have “joy that is inexpressible and filled with glory”! That’s a joy that’s so incredible you can’t even express it!  It is because of salvation through Christ.

So when I talk about holiness, I’m not talking about being pious or religious. Rather, pure holiness is a beautiful expression of the very character of God.  We are separated unto God that we might live positive, joyful, exuberant lives… as well as disciplined and dedicated lives.

The upward call of every Christian is to live with a purity of heart and a purity of life that comes from the soul and is unpolluted because the presence of God is there.

You and I have been called to live a godly life… no exceptions.  And it all begins with our minds.  According to Proverbs 23:7, “As [a man] calculates in his soul, so is he.”  Have you ever thought about how so many of our spiritual struggles begin when we allow our minds to wander aimlessly? 

Today, I want to encourage you to make sure your thinking is controlled by the grace of God.  Exercise self-discipline.  Second, eliminate anything that weakens your mind or distorts your thinking or your judgment.  Third, stay focused on the purposes and plan of God.  And fourth, continually put your future hope in God.

These four things will help you keep your mind focused on what is good, true, and right!


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