Living your faith publicly

And as he was setting out on his journey, a man ran up and knelt before him and asked him, “Good Teacher, what must I do to inherit eternal life?”

–Mark 10:17

So many people today don’t care about spiritual things. They go to church sometimes and you can almost see the little sign around their necks that says, “Do not disturb. I’m not really interested in spiritual things.”

That’s why I’m so intrigued by the actions of the rich young ruler. This young man was eager to meet Jesus. Today’s verse of Scripture says he “ran up” to Jesus “and knelt before him.” You and I can’t help but see his humility. In fact, we can learn from it.

This man approached Jesus without a hint of arrogance. He was a ruler, probably a lawyer in the synagogue. And yet, in spite of his position in society, he was on his face in the presence of Jesus Christ.

Do you know why some people today will never find Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior? It’s because of their incredible pride.

You see, if you’re going to follow Jesus Christ, you must be willing to humble yourself before him. The Christian life is deeply personal, but it’s never private.

When Jesus calls you to follow him, he calls you to do so openly. If Jesus died publicly for you, shouldn’t you live publicly for him?


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