Look beyond discouragement

“But we had hoped that he was the one to redeem Israel. Yes, and besides all of this, it’s now the third day since these things have happened.”

— Luke 24:21

Do you know that some people live on the wrong side of the resurrection? It’s true. There are many people who live as if Jesus never came out of that tomb.

You and I can see this kind of attitude in Luke’s account of the two disciples whom Jesus encountered on the road to Emmaus. Unable to recognize the risen Lord at first, the disciples commiserated with this “stranger” about how their hope of having found the Messiah had been destroyed.

But these two men were living on the wrong side of the resurrection. They didn’t know Christ was alive even though he was walking with them. They were distracted by their disappointment.

And when you become disappointed with life, sometimes it can be hard for you to recognize Jesus. I know people who have focused so closely on their discouragement that they can no longer see or hear Jesus. Yet, he’s right there with them.

If your dreams are bruised and broken, stop and listen for the voice of the Lord. Jesus is there. He will strengthen you and renew your hope. The psalmist wrote, “Be strong, and let your heart take courage, all you who wait for the Lord!” (Psalm 31:24).

Don’t live on the wrong side of the resurrection! He lives! And because he lives, you can live, too!


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