Make your calling count

But I discipline my body and keep it under control, lest after preaching to others I myself should be disqualified.

–1 Corinthians 9:27

Did you know that the apostle Paul lived with a deep concern? You could even call it a fear. It’s true. As a devoted soldier of the Lord Jesus Christ, Paul feared that he might do something that would keep him out of the great spiritual battle he had been called to fight.

Well, you and I might look at Paul and think that sounds crazy coming from this great man of God. But that’s how seriously Paul took being a servant of Jesus, and it’s how seriously he took fighting the good fight of faith. 

In fact, Paul chose to discipline his own body and keep it under control rather than allow it to dictate his life and jeopardize his place in the battle. And with fierce determination, Paul threw himself into the heat of battle without reservation. He let nothing stand in his way when it came to pleasing the Lord and sharing the Gospel.

So let me ask you something. How important is your calling to you? Is it everything? You might not be called to preach the Gospel like Paul, but you are called to share Christ Jesus with your world. 

If you belong to him, then make your calling count. Let nothing stand in your way of doing what he has called you to do. 


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