Mission: Seattle

For the last year, PowerPoint has been broadcasting every weekday in Seattle on 820AM The Word. This broadcast is possible because of the gifts and donations from friends like you. 

When you think of Seattle you think of a cool and hip technological powerhouse on the Pacific Rim. It is filled with young computer programmers, software designers, singles, families in the suburbs, and every ethnicity. It is truly a modern, diverse city. But it is a city burdened and darkened with non-belief. 

Seattle has the largest percentage of non-religious residents in the country – 37 percent. The numbers of evangelical and mainline Protestants and Catholics is a fraction of that figure. Seattle is truly a lost city in need of the Lord. 

Recently, I was asked by our Seattle radio station to speak and encourage hundreds of Seattle-area pastors in their ministry. And it was a blessing. I also had a chance to meet with longtime supporters of our ministry. 

Seattle is city beset with homelessness, drug use, and godlessness. But it is also home to men and women, ministers and laypersons, who are filled with the Holy Spirit and ministering mightily to their communities. I can’t tell you how encouraging it was to hear from these people who are truly missionaries in America about how PowerPoint encourages them in their daily walk.

At PowerPoint Ministries, our mission is to share the Good News of Jesus Christ and the God-given truth of the Bible to a lost and hurting world. Thank you for helping us in that mission.


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Today's Devotional

Now there are varieties of gifts, but the same Spirit; and there are varieties of service, but the same Lord; and there are varieties of activities, but it is the

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