Mother in Law

A special devotional written this week by my wife, Deb Graham-


There are many things I was not ready for when I got married.   Being young and idealistic brought many obstacles into my life.  I hadn’t planned on sharing my new husband with anyone.  But as most young brides find out – he may be my husband, but he still is his momma’s boy.  Those days were confusing and to complicate things even more Jack’s father was killed when we had only been married a few months.  So increased responsibility became his – at least emotionally.  It was only a few short years later that Jack’s Mom died.  She never got over losing his dad.  Only years later, did I learn the valuable lesson that being a mother is a lifetime calling.  As my boys began to date, I would pray for each one.  And in the goodness of the Lord both found exceptional wives.  They both love the Lord, love their husbands and are raising their children in the faith.  Different personalities from different walks of life but one thing in common – they are part of our family.  I love being a mother in law not only to these godly young women but to my precious son-in-law.  What an opportunity God has given me to know the blessing of now six children and I do not take this for granted.

My prayer and scripture for you today

“How good and pleasant it is when God’s people live together in unity!” Psalm 133:1 (NIV)

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Today’s Devotional