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But to all who did receive him, who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God,

John 1:12

There is power in the name of Jesus! 

You know, we hear that phrase so much that we might become immune to what those words really mean. Miraculous things happen when we pray in his name and in his power. 

What happened to the lame man at the temple when Peter told him to arise in the name of Jesus? The man stood up! And not only that, the Scripture says he began to leap and dance and praise God. I love that! 

Later in the temple, Peter testified about the man this way, saying, “Look at this man, he stands before you whole and strong in the power of the name of Jesus.”  

And that’s exactly what Jesus does for us, too. In the name of Jesus, our bondage is broken and we are set free. In the name of Jesus, those who were once broken and downtrodden are able to stand up and testify to the grace of Christ Jesus in their lives! 

Is the power of Jesus at work in your life today? It can be. Just reach out and touch Jesus. Take a leap of faith and live for him! 

Repent of your sin and he’ll give you a new life to live in the power of his name.


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