Power up your life with new joy and energy

So many Christians today waste their energy on trying too hard.

They try hard to be strong and vibrant for the Lord. And yet, many are dragged down by stress. Many feel tired and empty, and they are just running on fumes.

You can go to church on Sunday and get so full and excited singing wonderful praise songs, thinking, Lord, my life’s going to be different! But when you wake up on Monday morning, you think, Dear God, what happened? Did I backslide in my sleep? How could I feel so lifted up yesterday – and now so dead and dull?

Maybe you’re wondering the same thing today: Where is the reality of my relationship with Jesus?

As a believer, you have the Spirit of the Living God living within you – ready to give you all the joy and energy you need. He wants to help you live a powered up, fruitful, and fulfilled life.

That’s why Ephesians 5:18 tells us, “be filled with the Spirit.” The way to plug into that Holy Spirit power is to make the daily decision to pray and yield to His wise direction.

When I call my own shots, I’m depending on me. But when I pray, I begin living in dependence on God. So pray about everything – your needs, your decisions, and the people you’re going to meet. Soon you’ll find that rather than struggling to get by, you’ll be walking with new strength and energy in the Spirit-filled life God wants for you.



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Today's Devotional

Now there are varieties of gifts, but the same Spirit; and there are varieties of service, but the same Lord; and there are varieties of activities, but it is the

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