Pray for Jerusalem!

Pray for the peace of Jerusalem! “May they be secure who love you!”

–Psalm 122:6

The history and the future of the world are forever linked to the Middle East. So if you have any doubts about whether you and I are living in the last days, Israel is the super sign! 

According to the Scripture, the Jewish people must return to Israel before Christ can return. 

Well, Israel has been restored and Jews continue to repopulate Israel. The prophecy is being fulfilled even now! 

You see, you cannot separate Israel from God’s sovereign plan for our world. And even we, as Gentiles, share in this historic connection. From patriarchs to prophets, to apostles, we received the Scriptures through mostly Jewish people. And, of course, our Messiah came to us through David and the Jewish lineage. 

By grace we’ve been grafted into God’s extraordinary Kingdom and family. We have a divine and providential connection with Israel and the Jewish people… and this covenant is holy and eternal. 

If you want God’s blessing in this life, then bless Israel as he instructed us in his Word, and pray for the peace of Jerusalem.

And remember, just as surely as Jesus ascended into heaven from Jerusalem’s Mount of Olives, he has promised to return to that very place. Jesus is coming soon!


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