Rebelling against God

“… no one does good, not even one.”

— Romans 3:12

As humans, we have a built-in desire to disobey God. You and I got it from our parents and they got it from their parents, and we all inherited this desire from Adam. This is why sins don't make us sinners. We sin because we are sinners!

Now, you might say, “Are you sure about that, pastor? I know good people.” Yes, I do, too. Some aren’t even believers. In fact, some unbelievers act better than some who claim to believe!

But today’s verse isn’t talking about human goodness. The standard for goodness is not a human standard. It’s the righteousness of God. That’s what Romans 3:10 says, “None is righteous, no, not one…." Jesus said only one is good and that is God. He is clear on this, "You therefore must be perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect" (Matthew 5:48).

Are you trusting in your own goodness? If you are, then you are doomed to fail. Human goodness cannot meet the standards of a holy God. Oswald Chambers, the great devotional writer, said, “Sin is not weakness, it is red-handed rebellion against God.”

So, if you doubt the exceeding wickedness of your sin, look at Jesus bleeding and dying on the cross. Only at Calvary can you grasp the true consequences of your sinful nature. 


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