Serve him with confidence

For I am already being poured out as a drink offering, and the time of my departure has come. 

–2 Timothy 4:6

The apostle Paul wrote the words of today’s verses while in prison and awaiting his execution. With clarity and strength of character Paul communicates that he is about to die, saying, “the time of my departure has come.”

Did you notice that word “departure?” This is a very interesting word. In the original Greek it has several meanings, one of which describes when a prisoner is being set free from prison.  

So Paul is saying to his beloved friends, as well as to you and me, “I’m about to be set free from the prison of this life!” He’s looking forward with anticipation to being set free from the restraints of this world, being in the presence of the Lord, and receiving a crown of righteousness.

You see, Paul could look forward to heaven and to seeing Christ Jesus with anticipation. He had the confidence that comes from having loved and served the Lord with joy. 

One day you’re going to depart this world and meet Christ Jesus face to face. Do you look forward to that moment with joy and confidence? Well, you can! 

Give Jesus your all today and never look back! Serve with the confidence that comes from knowing Christ is with you! And tell others about his love, his grace, and his saving power. 


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