The All-Powerful God Loves You!

The LORD appeared to him from far away.  I have loved you with an everlasting love; therefore I have continued my faithfulness to you.

–Jeremiah 31:3

Did you know that the most incredible love known to man can be yours?  It’s the unconditional, unchanging love of God!

The problem with most of us isn’t that we don’t love God enough.  It’s that we don’t let God love us enough. 

If we could only understand how much God loves us, we could be set free from disappointment in ourselves… and from the slavery of sin and rebellion.

God who is omnipotent and all-powerful loves you!  His love is unconditional and unchanging.  In Jeremiah 31:3, our verse for today, He said, “I have loved you with an everlasting love.”      

If you ever doubt that God loves you, just look at the cross and remember His love.  Jesus defines and demonstrated the love of God.  Calvary is the heart of God beating for you.  He loved you enough to step out of heaven and offer His sacrificial blood.

Did you know that the precious blood of Jesus has the power to cleanse… to wipe away sin… and to conquer death and hell?  The blood gives power for freedom and the power to love others.

And not only can the blood place God’s love in us, but it can also share God’s love through us.  

Have you experienced that love?  You can.  Just say this prayer:

Lord, I know that I am a sinner and separated from Your love.  I believe that You provided a way for me to experience Your unchanging, unending love through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.  I believe in and I accept your love today.

If you prayed that prayer of faith, you have just accepted God’s unending love.  Congratulations!


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