The disciplines of a friendship with Christ

“If you keep my commandments, you will abide in my love, just as I have kept my Father's commandments and abide in his love.”

–John 15:10

Friendships don’t just happen in our hectic lives. They take effort and discipline. And the same is true regarding our friendship with Jesus Christ.

That’s why I want to share a few disciplines with you that will help you nurture your friendship with the Lord Jesus.

Begin by reading the Bible every day. You see, when you and I open the Bible, God’s Word speaks to our hearts and into our lives. It sustains us and cannot fail us. Because it is inspired, inerrant, infallible, immutable, and it is unchanging!

If the Bible is God speaking to us, then prayer is the way that you and I respond and speak back to him. So you need to pray to the Lord every day. As his friend, you have no secrets, so you can talk to him about everything.

And here is one other discipline of friendship with Jesus. You must embrace a living community of faith. You see, a church is a gathering of the friends of Jesus Christ. And it’s impossible to love God without loving the friends of God.

Purpose in your heart right now to be a good friend to Christ by reading his Word, praying to him, and embracing a community of faith, and you will find a friend, indeed.


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