The Madness in Manchester

Today the United Kingdom is under a “critical” terrorist alert. The horror of Monday’s terrorist attack on a concert packed with children and young teens will never be forgotten.

And no matter where we are in the world, we share their fear and ultimate sorrow in our hearts. 

People of Manchester and the UK, our prayers are with you, and especially with the families who have suffered first-hand from the cowardly acts of these demonic, evil terrorists.

I just wanted to offer you these assurances:

There is a one true God, and He does not countenance, support, or reward those who attack innocent men, women, and children. His plan for such wickedness is something altogether different than Paradise.

There is a one true God, and He has a divine Son who lived among us, serving, teaching and ultimately dying for our sins before rising in glory so that we might have life and have it more abundantly.

There is a one true God, and He sent His only begotten Son to suffer and die because of His eternal, unending love for us, His sinful creation.

There is a one true God, and His only begotten Son, Jesus, sits at the right hand of the Father, and they hear the cries and prayers of their people.

Christian believers, we must pray and we must act.

Let us first pray for healing in the United Kingdom, in America, and for those around the world who suffer from the evil inherent within radical Islam.  More Christians are being persecuted today, terrorized today, and losing their lives today that at any time in history because of this so-called “religion of peace.”

Then let us act and use our voices, our votes, and our finances to support leaders who will boldly and righteously stand up to those who through the use of the sword try to crush the truth of Christ’s divinity and His sacrifice for this world. 

Let us fortify ourselves with the scripture, and worship the Blessed Trinity in our churches.

And let us boldly proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ to everyone everywhere who needs the Good News of salvation. 

That is the only cure for the madness and evil that afflicts every corner of this decaying, dying world.


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Today's Devotional

Now there are varieties of gifts, but the same Spirit; and there are varieties of service, but the same Lord; and there are varieties of activities, but it is the

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