The power of listening

And he who searches hearts knows what is the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for the saints according to the will of God.

–Romans 8:27

God is looking for people like you and me who will connect with Him in prayer so that He can unleash His power through us.

But where do you start? 

First of all, prayer is not just a long list of your needs and wants. Effective, empowering prayer is not even always talking… it also includes listening.

When you and I begin to listen to God, He communicates His will.

How does that work? Through the Holy Spirit. The Spirit teaches us what to pray and interprets the will of God.

Maybe you’re struggling with the will of God for your life. You may be looking at your future and need answers from God. 

When you can focus on Him, delight in Him, and love and worship Him through prayer, you will be able to pray through the Spirit. And the Comforter will implant God’s desire into our hearts and lives.

God will give you His desires and teach you His will… if you take time to listen.


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