The providence of God

… But they who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint.

–Isaiah 40:31

Have you ever felt like God had you in “wait” training? Well, God puts a premium on patience and perseverance where you and I are concerned. 

We can’t rush God’s providential choices, but we can trust the One who sees all of history… the days leading up to our lives as well as those that follow after us. John the Beloved understood this principle well. 

Perhaps you remember that John was the apostle of Jesus who was sentenced to live out his life on a veritable devil’s island, a place called Patmos. But while he was there, God gave him a vision of the future… a powerful message of encouragement and hope for the church. That message became known as the book of Revelation!

How could John write such a powerful message on such a wretched island amidst personal suffering and loneliness? It’s because John looked beyond his suffering and embraced the future that God showed him, the promise of heaven. God’s light shines brightest in the darkest of times!

When you find yourself alone in pain and suffering, don’t hasten God’s providential timeline, but trust the One who makes all things work together for your good and his glory. He will renew your strength! 


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