The redeeming power of Christ

“You shall not murder.”

–Exodus 20:13

The Sixth Commandment isn’t one that a lot of people think they need to pay much attention to these days. But when we dig a little deeper into what those four words really mean and imply, we see that they do apply to each and every one of us!

Because the word murder doesn’t just mean homicide. The Scripture teaches that you can murder someone by gossiping about them or by harboring hateful thoughts about them. Jesus made it very clear that these are murderous actions just as much as the actual taking of an innocent life is.

But here’s the great news about the grace of the Lord Jesus. It covers every sin, including the physical or mental act of murder. And it doesn’t just cover the sin, it redeems the sinner.

Think about Moses. Or David. Or the apostle Paul. In the world’s eyes, each of these men was a murderer. 

Yet because of God’s forgiveness, Moses wasn’t a murderer… he was a liberator. Because of God’s forgiveness, David wasn’t a killer… he was a man after God’s own heart. And because of God’s forgiveness, Paul wasn’t a persecutor… he was a missionary.

And the same is true for you! If you’re a follower of Christ, God’s grace and forgiveness cover your sin—past, present, and future. And his grace and forgiveness not only cover your sin, they redeem your life as a sinner! As David himself proclaimed, “He redeems your life from the pit”!

So let me ask you today. Are you in need of the redeeming power of Christ in your life? Perhaps your past is marked by an abortion, and you haven’t been able to let go of the guilt. Maybe today you’d admit that when it comes to the words you speak, you’re a taker of life instead of a giver of life.

Wherever it is that you’ve taken a life or are taking life, I urge you to confess it before God today. Then repent, or turn from it, knowing that God can redeem your life for your good… and his glory.


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