The root of spiritual failure

God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.

–Psalm 46:1

Christians fail. I’m sure that doesn’t surprise you.

But what may surprise you is how spiritual failure happens. You see, it doesn’t happen suddenly, but comes slowly after a series of bad choices or seductive compromises along the way.  

Think for a moment about those huge redwood trees that typically live hundreds of years. They stand strong through all kinds of natural assaults, but then suddenly and without warning, fall to the ground. 

Now here’s what’s interesting. When they examine those fallen redwood trees, they usually discover that little beetles made their way into the core of that tree and ate it away from the inside. So when the tree fell, it fell hard. But its death was a slow and steady process.  

So often that’s what happens in the lives of Christ followers. Serious compromises are made and then the failure… the fall happens.  

Is it possible that this is happening to you? Are you making compromises that are slowly eating away at your faith? Beware of this tool of Satan. He’ll say, “Just lower your standards a little bit. No one will know… no one will see you.” 

Refuse to tolerate thoughts and ruminate over temptations that the enemy presents to you. Call on the name of the Lord, your refuge and strength! He is your help in times of trouble.


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