The surprising key to true humility

Humble yourselves, therefore, under the mighty hand of God so that at the proper time he may exalt you, casting all your anxieties on him, because he cares for you.

–1 Peter 5:6-7

Did you hear about the little boy who won the “humble” badge at Sunday school? He tried to put it on, so they took it away from him!

Humility can be a confusing topic, can’t it? As soon as you realize you are doing a good job at it, you lose it. But sometimes I think many Christians miss the point of humility altogether. 

True humility – the kind the Bible talks about – is found in today’s passage from 1 Peter. You and I are commanded to humble ourselves. But how? By giving all our anxieties to God.

True humility is an attitude that says, “God, I can’t deal with all my fears and anxieties on my own, so I want to give them to you.” What a relief that is!

God wants you to be humble by giving your cares to him. So think about some anxieties you are facing today. Maybe you are worried about finances, family, or work. Write these down on a piece of paper, fold the paper up, and on the outside write “To: God” as a symbol that you’re entrusting those worries to him.

A few months from now, I want you to open your note again and look at how God has dealt with, or is dealing with, each of your anxieties. You’ll be so encouraged by what he’s doing in your life!


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