The value of godly character.

And after a time his master's wife cast her eyes on Joseph and said, “Lie with me.”

–Genesis 39:7

A crisis in your life…a struggle with sin…doesn’t make or break you, but only reveals what you already are. You may have heard me say that before, because I believe it with all my heart.

It’s so important that you and I evaluate the true nature of our character…to see what beliefs we hold that can help us stand firm during temptation.

Think for a moment about Joseph. Here was a young man who spent years of his life as a slave. But during that entire time as he ran his master’s household, he was also serving and worshipping God, and growing in godly character.

And then one day, his master’s wife came to him and tried to seduce him. But Joseph didn’t even consider her offer. It wasn’t even a question.

Do you wonder how that can be? I’ll tell you. It’s because the character was present within Joseph before the crisis arose. In other words, before Joseph even had to say “no” to temptation, he had already said “yes” to God. That level of character equipped him to withstand temptation.

How about you? Is your character a reliable ally in the fight against temptation?

Follow in Joseph’s footsteps. Yield yourself fully to God and be filled with the fiber of godly character.


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