The wisdom of waiting

I will take my stand at my watchpost and station myself on the tower, and look out to see what he will say to me…

— Habakkuk 2:1

There is a key password for connecting with God. The word is patience.  If you and I want to move toward an enduring faith, it begins with patiently waiting on and listening to God. 

When we’re impatient, it’s usually because we’re not getting what we want fast enough. We become like Habakkuk who basically said, “Times are bad, God! Do something and do it now!” 

But in his great wisdom, God doesn’t move at our will, but according to his purposes. And you may have noticed, God’s never in a hurry, but he’s always on time! Some of us give pain reliever more time to work than we give God. 

So what do you do when God is silent when you pray? Let me tell you. When you struggle with doubt and uncertainty and don’t have a clue as to what to think or do… do what Habakkuk did. Wait patiently on God. There’s wisdom in waiting.    

Waiting on God is trusting in God. Waiting is not passivity, it’s not just sitting back doing nothing. As you wait on him, you can actively pursue his heart, his will, and his mind.  

Even if… or when… he brings you to the end of yourself, wait on God! Trust his wisdom and you will discover, like Habakkuk, that he is enough! 


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