Trusting God when bad things happen

Now we see through a mirror darkly, but then we shall know even as we are known!

 –1 Corinthians 13:12

Throughout the years there have been many times when I’ve had to say to people, “I honestly don’t know why this thing has happened in your life.”

The fact is there are countless times when you and I will never know why certain things happen… not this side of eternity anyway.

Now, you could ask God to help you understand. The Scripture says if any of us want to know the wisdom of God, we can ask him. And in his wisdom, God will either answer you or he will not.

But listen, when we are facing a tragedy or sorrow… we don’t need answers, we need God… we need his hand and strength! When there seems to be no way out, God says, “Way!” He makes a way when there seems to be none!

You see, just because it doesn’t make sense to you now, doesn’t mean it won’t. God knows and will make sense of it. We just don’t have the right perspective at this time, but one day we will say, “Aha, now I see!”

When you don’t know why things have happened as they have, keep your eyes fixed on him and do what you know to do. Keep serving God. Keep showing up and being faithful in the church. Keep sharing your faith. And one day… perhaps even on the other side of glory… all things will become clear.


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