Use the life God gave you

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come.

–2 Corinthian 5:17

Did you know that each and every one of us will give an account of our lives to a holy God one day? It’s true. That’s why it’s worth thinking about the kind of life you’re leading.

Accountability and judgment play a vital role in every aspect of life. Every employee is evaluated on their job performance. Sports teams are judged on their ability and performance. The leaders of our government are held accountable by the people who elected them. And the same is true for you as a Christian!  

If you’re a believer, you’ve been given new life in Christ. Which means that you will be evaluated and rewarded according to what you’ve done with that life the God has given you.  

Does this mean you could lose your salvation as a result of what you do or don’t do after you accept Christ as your personal Lord and Savior? Absolutely not. Because that was settled at the cross.  

What it does mean, however, is what you do with the life God’s given you on earth will have repercussions for eternity in heaven. So let me ask you today, what are you doing with your life for Jesus? Are you just living for the pleasures of the day or are you living for Him?

What are you doing with the spiritual gifts Christ has put in your heart by the Holy Spirit? Are you serving Christ with those gifts?

What about the talents that God has uniquely given to you? Are you using those to bring Him glory and extend His kingdom… or are you letting them go to waste?

Today, ask God to help you honestly evaluate how well you’re utilizing the life He has given you. If you can say that you’re living for His glory, praise God. But if you’re not, it’s my prayer that you will begin… today… to use your unique set of gifts and talents to bring honor and glory to the Lord Jesus Christ.


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