Waiting on God

“Remember, your word to your servant; in which you have made me hope.”

–Psalm 119:49

Have you ever been restless waiting on God to fulfill his promise to you? I’m sure you have. I have, too. 

From where you and I sit, we have limited understanding and perspective. So it makes it a challenge to sit patiently and to wait for the invisible hand of God to work in a particular situation or in someone’s life. And sometimes, waiting on God’s timing seems impossible and unbearable.

In these times, you may feel the need to push things along. You may have an overwhelming urge to tamper with situations to see something happen. But don’t do it! Do not interfere with the providence of God.

It is especially in these hard places of our lives that you and I must trust that God’s plans are in action. And we don’t dare tamper or try to amend those plans lest we risk experiencing less than God’s best for our lives.

I’d like you to think for a moment about Joseph in the book of Genesis. Here was someone who carried a God-given dream in his heart. And his own brothers tried to destroy it and wanted to destroy him, too.

They threw him in a pit and sold him into slavery. He was all but forgotten in prison. He was falsely accused of attempting to seduce his boss’s wife! And he was thrown back in jail again!

Truly, in Joseph’s life, it appeared that everything was conspiring against the dream God gave him! You know he must have wondered if he should do something to push God’s plan along. But he knew that he could not. You see, it is always a mistake to try to lend the providence of God a hand. This is so important for you and me to grasp!

No matter how difficult or how unfair things may seem and no matter how slowly time passes, wait on God and hold fast to the word he has given you.

Wherever you are or whatever your circumstances, stay faithful to what God has called you to do and rest in his love and plan for your life. When you do this, you can trust that he will work all things together for good. This is his promise to you!


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