Whatever your struggle, God will equip you to fight the good fight of faith!

Now the angel of the Lord came and… Gideon was beating out wheat in the winepress, to hide it from the Midianites.

–Judges 6:11


We all face spiritual struggles and personal battles. You and I both know people who are fighting for their family or their marriage. You might be fighting health or economic battles, or facing temptation and sin.


Battles are tough things. And fought in your own strength, they will wear you down. You may even feel like the last person capable of fighting the good fight of faith!


That’s just how Gideon felt when an angel told him that God was going to use him to save Israel from the Midianites.


Gideon was about as weak a person as they come. He was so weak that when the angel said, “The Lord is with you, O mighty man of valor,” he proceeded to tell the angel that he had the wrong guy!


The enemy had beaten Gideon down because he had convinced Gideon that he was weak and not equipped to fight. But that didn’t matter to God! He doesn’t call the equipped. He equips the called! And God renewed Gideon’s faith to be able to fight and win the battle.


Whatever your struggle, God will equip you to fight the good fight of faith! Don’t let the enemy keep you down. God is calling you to something higher, to something better, and to something greater, and he will equip you in that calling!


Whatever your struggle, God will equip you to fight the good fight of faith!

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