What’s robbing your energy?

And he said, “My presence will go with you, and I will give you rest.”

–Exodus 33:14

If you’re feeling tired and worn out today, I want to ask you something. What’s causing your fatigue? Have you tried to determine the cause?

Clearly, the demands of our daily lives take a toll at times. Even our Christian service can make us weary. The Lord himself even felt tired at times. It’s true! In John chapter 4 the Scripture says that after meeting the needs of people and performing miracles, Jesus was physically exhausted.

Isn’t that amazing? In his humanity, even God himself felt the weariness of fatigue.

So it’s not a sin to be fatigued. But it is a sin to not take the necessary measures to regain balance when things get out of control. We were designed to require physical, spiritual, and emotional balance in our lives. But beyond the physical demands of service, sometimes human beings are weakened by sin.

It is costly to live in chronic disobedience before God. It weakens you spiritually, but carrying the burden of guilt and discouragement also weakens you physically.  

So if you’re weary today, let me ask you to do something. Be honest with yourself and take a look at what’s causing your fatigue. Do you simply need rest and relaxation? Or is your spirit weary with the burden of unconfessed sin?

Call out to him. The Lord is able to restore you and he will give you rest.


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