What’s your spiritual temperature?

Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and eat with him, and he with me.

–Revelation 3:20

Today, I’d like to give you a test so you can evaluate where you are spiritually.

Question number one is, is prayer a passion in your life? If you’re really fired up for the Lord, prayer will not be drudgery… it won’t be a duty. It will be an ongoing, exciting conversation you have with God day by day.

Question number two is, do you love the Word of God? I believe if your heart is hot towards God, you’ll look forward to meeting Him in the Scriptures. You’ll look forward to hearing the Word of God preached. And you’ll carve out time every day to read the Bible.

Question number three is, do you hate the sin in your life? Do you hate the things that God hates? When your heart is hot for God, you will weep at those things that make God weep… and you will rejoice over those things that cause God to rejoice.

Question number four is, do you long for the return of Christ? In the heart of every Christian who is passionately pursuing Christ is a longing for His return… there’s a longing to see Him face to face. So are you excited about seeing Him? Or would you be ashamed if He returned today?

The fifth and final question is, do you obey Christ? Is it your heart’s desire to please God in every single area in your life? In John 14:15, Jesus says, “If you love me, you will keep my commandments.”  

So let me ask you: What’s your spiritual temperature? Are you hot… cold… or lukewarm?  

Today… if you know that your heart is cold or lukewarm… it’s my prayer—and my challenge—to you to answer that knocking at the door of your heart. Open up that door… let Jesus in… and enjoy the personal relationship He’s provided for you through His death and resurrection!


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