What’s your true value as a woman?

Everywhere you turn, the world has a message for the women of today. Social media, fashion magazines, TV, billboards, and movies all use different words and images to communicate the same message:

If you’re truly a modern woman, if you’re really a successful woman, you must strive for physical perfection, professional success, and independence.

And if you’re a mother who’s investing time in caring for your kids, the world tries to make you believe you’re settling for less. But many women who’ve put everything aside to be professionally successful can find themselves at the top of the corporate ladder alone, desiring more, and looking for meaning in their lives.

In contrast to what the world tells women today, the Bible has the true message: God has elevated the position of womanhood and given every woman a place of honor and respect in the Christian home.

In Proverbs, God gives us a model of true womanhood for every woman, married or single.

The woman described in Proverbs 31 is a woman of inestimable value: “An excellent wife who can find? She is far more precious than jewels” (v. 10). A godly Christian woman is a precious treasure.

What makes you valuable as a woman? It’s your godliness and virtue. When you’re a Christ-centered, Spirit-filled woman committed to following Jesus Christ, you’ll be the godly woman God desires you to be.

In contrast to the world’s view that your value is based upon your outward beauty, independence, and professional success, God says your value is based upon the ageless inner beauty of your Christlike character.

No one is more charming, more beautiful, than a woman who glows with the glory and the presence of God.

That’s true womanhood at its best.



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