When Does Life Begin?

“For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother's womb.”

—Psalm 139:13

I believe the most important issue facing America today is the value and the worth of every human life… the value of the immortal, eternal soul created by God! A biblical worldview, looking at this question through the lens of God’s Word will really settle the abortion question and the issue of when life begins.

Now the debate rages, of course. Perhaps you’ve had discussions with your friends regarding when life begins. You’ve listened to politicians talk about it and we’ve watched the media as they engage in this debate.

So some say life begins at birth when the baby is out of the womb. A well-known preacher of another generation believed that just as Adam was created by God and God breathed into him life, that life comes with breath, and therefore, the false deduction was made with breath, out of the womb comes life.

Others say life begins when the fetus has grown and developed enough to live outside the womb. This is called viability.

Ultimately what matters most is God’s opinion. And the Bible teaches us that life in the womb is formed and framed by God and is therefore sacred to Him! Both born and unborn!


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