When life feels too heavy…

There’s a lot happening these days. The last few weeks, months, and years have not been easy – for anyone. So if life feels heavy right now, you’re not alone.

Maybe you’re grieving a loss… the loss of a career or a loved one. Maybe you’re struggling with your mental health, or you care about someone who is. Maybe the weight of watching what’s going on in the world feels like it’s crushing your soul.

I’ve been there. So have the disciples.

And in their troubling times, when they nearly buckled beneath the weight of fear, sorrow, and loss, Jesus gathered them close and said, “Stop letting your hearts be troubled. I’m going to prepare a place for you…and one day, I’ll take you there to be with Me.”  (John 14:1-3)

We may be living in troubling times, but Jesus still gathers us close and whispers, “Stop being troubled – you’re a Christian. You’ve got Me. Get up every day with a sincere hope and set your mind on the eternal.”

Friend, we have a sincere hope in Jesus – and in heaven, our home.

When you look at life through the lens of eternity, your perspective changes. You see what truly matters – and what doesn’t.

In eternity, those who seem like they’re getting away with sin won’t any longer. The poor in spirit will be filled with joy, suffering will cease, and burdens will be lifted. The promise of heaven up ahead gives our life meaning right now.

This month as we celebrate the victorious resurrection of our Lord at Easter, we also remember that it came after the darkest day in human history: Good Friday.

No matter how dark this world gets, or how heavy it feels, resurrection is just on the other side.

So be encouraged! Our God is making all things new. One glorious day, there will be no more death or sorrow or sighing. The King of Heaven Himself will bend down, touch your face with His finger, and wipe your tears away. Because finally, you’ll be home, where you belong…

This, my friend, is the hope of heaven – your hope – today and always.


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Today's Devotional

“Repent therefore, and turn again, that your sins may be blotted out…” –Acts 3:19 In his famous book, I Surrender, Patrick Morley writes that many of the problems in the

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