Will you sink – or stay steady – in the storm?

If there’s one promise of Jesus that’s easy to believe, it’s this:

“In the world you will have tribulation.” (John 16:33)

Much as we’d like to, Christians don’t get a pass from pain. We’re not immune to the suffering and heartache that mars every aspect of our fallen world.

Like you, I’ve experienced this firsthand.

As you may know, one of the darkest valleys I’ve ever had to walk was when my father was murdered in the parking lot of his hardware store back in the summer of 1970. His death was the most devastating time of my life. In that moment, I wondered how I’d survive. I doubted my ability to overcome the trial. I even doubted God’s presence and care.

And when trials like that come upon us, it can suddenly seem much harder to take God at His Word…

But whatever you’re facing today, I want you to know that God is always holding out His hand to rescue you, even while the storm is raging.

The apostle Peter learned this lesson the night Jesus invited him to walk on the water. You’ll remember that Peter did fine as long as he fixed his gaze on Christ. But as soon as he turned his attention to the wind and waves surrounding him, he began to sink.

Your circumstances will be different from mine, and different from Peter’s. But you face the same choice: Will you take your eyes off Jesus and sink, or will you allow God’s presence and power to steady you in the storm?

My prayer for you is that when trials hit, you’ll look up and lean hard into the arms of our loving Father, knowing He is faithful. And He’ll hold you close through any storm.


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Today's Devotional

Now there are varieties of gifts, but the same Spirit; and there are varieties of service, but the same Lord; and there are varieties of activities, but it is the

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