Wrestling with sin

Therefore let anyone who thinks that he stands take heed lest he fall.   

–1 Corinthians 10:12

Remember when you were a kid and would wrestle with your brother or sister? And once you got them down on the ground, you’d hold them there until they cried “uncle”? You wanted them to stop resisting and give up.

Well, temptation is tenacious like that, but far more vicious and unrelenting. If you or I even entertain the idea of sin, we can soon find ourselves in its grip struggling to escape. 

You see, Satan can manipulate our minds and seduce us so that we’ll disobey God. He’ll take a natural, God-given, wholesome desire and twist it so that we will desire to use it in God-forbidden ways. He tempts us with the promise of some reward for our disobedience…. it might be pleasure, power, or profit. 

And Satan will stop at nothing to make you give in to him. I know people who never dreamed they could be unfaithful to their partner, but then Satan brought the temptation. 

Now you might think, “I would never let that happen!” But listen. It’s a huge mistake to think you’re not vulnerable to temptation. You must realize your own weakness and prepare yourself. This is why Jesus taught us to pray, “lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil….”  

Be proactive in your prayer life. Prize obedience to God more than temptation’s rewards. 


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