You may be living, but do you have life?

As you come to Him, a living stone rejected by men but in the sight of God chosen and precious….

–1 Peter 2:4

Our new identity in Christ is one of the great themes of Peter’s writing. And Peter describes our new life a bit mysteriously at first, calling us “living stones.”

Now if there’s one thing that you and I know about a stone, we know that it is anything but alive. In fact, if you want to tell someone that something is dead, you might very well say, “That thing is stone cold dead!” 

So when you and I read that we are “living stones,” Peter is clearly trying to clue us into something important about our identity in Jesus Christ. He’s talking about a supernatural type of life. He goes on in this same chapter to call Jesus the Cornerstone, the Capstone, and the Stumbling Stone of Offense!

Do you hear Peter practically shouting to you and me, saying, “Jesus is a Living Stone… he is alive! He was dead, but now he’s alive!” Peter is telling us that a dead Savior could not give us life, but a living Savior, a risen Savior, can give us life. In Christ, you and I find and begin to live real life!

Have you found your life in Jesus Christ? Jesus described eternal life this way: “And this is eternal life, that they know you the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom you have sent” (John 17:3). 

That is eternal life! To know the one true God and his son whom he sent to us, Jesus! And it is critical to accept the Lord Jesus Christ into your heart so that you can spend eternity with him.  

But Jesus is also concerned with the kind of life that you experience in the here and now. Jesus, the Living Stone, rose from the dead so that you can live a joyous, satisfying life. In John 10:10, Jesus said, “I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.”

My friend, you need to hear this. Jesus does not want you to be someone who is merely alive, but who’s not really living. 

Right now, you can find your life Christ. Give him everything in your life, the good, the bad, and the ugly. And he will do exactly as he promised, he will give you life more abundantly. 


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