Your life is a mission of mercy

Jesus said to them again, “Peace be with you. As the Father has sent me, even so I am sending you.”

–John 20:21

There’s no sin that can keep you out of heaven. And there’s no religion in the world that can get you in.  

The only way you can go to heaven is through the pardon brought about through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. And when you accept that pardon, Jesus takes you and changes you…and then He empowers you by His presence for a truly abundant life!  

In the New Testament, this is called conversion. It’s called the new birth. It’s called salvation, getting saved. And this new birth is for everyone. That’s why you and I as believers are on a mission of mercy…the same mission that brought Jesus to this earth.  

We are to go into the world where people are living in their brokenness and sin. We are to go into this world on a mission of mercy and say, “Jesus loves you and He will forgive you because of what He’s done on the cross and by the power of His resurrection.”  

Most of the people in the world today believe God is angry at them…that because of their sin they can never be saved. But we have a message of hope and grace…that God loves them and desires that they be saved. Which is why Jesus voluntarily gave His life!

Are you willing to voluntarily give your life as a mission of mercy so that others may know Him?


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