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So many Christians today waste their energy on trying too hard. They try hard to be strong and vibrant for the Lord. And yet, many are dragged down by stress. Many feel tired and empty,
So many Christians today waste their energy on trying too hard. They try hard to be strong and vibrant for the Lord. And yet, many are dragged down by stress. Many feel tired and empty,
The plans of the heart belong to man, but the answer of the tongue is from the Lord.
Proverbs 16:1
Throughout the history of our faith, this question has often been asked: “Where is God when tragedy strikes; and where is He when the storms come?” And as often as that question has been asked, there has been no shortage of answers put forth by Christians and non-Christians alike. But even deeper than that question is the concern by some that God is aloof, even indifferent, when storms strike.
So the people shouted, and the trumpets were blown. As soon as the people heard the sound of the trumpet, the people shouted a great shout, and the wall fell down flat… and they captured
Each week at PowerPoint Ministries, we hear from people seeking a new church home. Some have moved to another city or state. Others hope a new church will reignite their faith. Many are looking for
One reason why so many people feel stressed these days is our relentless pace of life. Maybe you’re working long days and late hours… or constantly shuttling your kids from one activity to the next.
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