Welcome home, Pastor Brunson

“Very soon we will get to say four words we’ve been waiting to say for a long time: Welcome home, Pastor Brunson.  “Pastor Brunson’s release is the direct result of months, if not years, of


Get instant access to Dr. Graham on your TV!

It’s thanks to friends like you that more people than ever are being reached for Christ through PowerPoint’s life-changing broadcasts. And now, it’s even easier to access Dr. Graham’s incisive and heartfelt biblical teaching –


Three ways to master your money

You don’t have to read much of the book of James to find yourself some straight talk. One of the issues James tackles head-on is money – how it’s earned, kept, and spent. Here’s how


The world is hearing… thanks to you!

One of the driving goals of PowerPoint Ministries is to proclaim Christ ’til the whole world hears. It’s a promise that has never been more affirmed than it was recently while Pastor Graham was in


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