
Finding joy in your greatest possession

I’ll never forget one Christmas Day many years ago when one of my children, after opening up all of his presents, came to me and said, “Daddy, I’m bored!” There we were, wrapping paper everywhere, brand new toys all over the floor, and he played with them for about 30 minutes before he was bored!


The importance of persevering in the faith

I meet quite a few people today whom I would classify as “Alka Seltzer Christians.” Do you know what an Alka Seltzer Christian is? It’s a person whose spiritual life is just plop-plop, fizz and it’s over. Yes, there’s a lot of emotion, a lot of excitement, a lot of fireworks. But then they disappear. This is not real Christianity!


How to know you’re ready for eternity

When Sir William Ramsay was executed in 1683, the English patriot took his watch out of his pocket, gave it to his doctor on his way to the gallows, and said, “Here, take my timepiece. I have no need of it now, for I am dealing with eternity.” 


Finding power in your faith to overcome

I remember when I was growing up in our little church in Arkansas, I would always look forward to those four times a year when we received Sunday school quarterlies for kids. In them, they had all kinds of activities and coloring pages for kids to learn about the Bible.
