Having full confidence in God’s Word
Many people today love to question the Bible’s authenticity. But really, there are only three possibilities when you consider Jesus Christ and His belief in the Bible.
Many people today love to question the Bible’s authenticity. But really, there are only three possibilities when you consider Jesus Christ and His belief in the Bible.
I remember when I was a student at Hardin-Simmons University in Abilene, and there was a group of young men who were preparing to go into ministry. They had come in as ministerial students and they liked to talk about how they pictured themselves up on platforms and in pulpits, preaching and winning people to Christ.
Even with the rise in atheism in recent years, we still live in a very religious world. In fact, people are finding more ways than ever to connect with “god” or some kind of “life force” that promises to give them the kind of inner peace they’re really seeking. But can their views be considered truth?
There are so many kinds of fears. In fact, there are 530 documented fears and phobias. 6.4 million people in America have actually been diagnosed with some kind of disorder in their personality because of fear.
I did a little medical research on fear, and I discovered that fear has been associated with a wide variety of illnesses and diseases including heart disease, hypertension, digestive tract diseases, ulcers, head aches, even skin disorders. Studies demonstrate that fear can cause a decreased immune response, which can lead to frequent infections and even the development of dread and deadly disease.
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