
Are you robbing God? 2019

Today I simply want to ask the question, are you a giver or a taker? And I want you to think about that question in terms of your relationship with people and your relationship with God.


Defeating lust

Talking about a subject like adultery is unpleasant. It’s unpleasant because in our hearts, we know how dire the consequences of this sin really are. 


The redeeming power of Christ

The Sixth Commandment isn’t one that a lot of people think they need to pay much attention to these days. But when we dig a little deeper into what those four words really mean and imply, we see that they do apply to each and every one of us!


How to honor dishonorable parents

When it comes to honoring our parents, people often ask me, “What does honoring my parents look like if they don’t deserve honor? What if they abused me? What does honoring my parents look like when my mom and dad weren’t an example of godly parenting?”


Keeping your promises

Today’s verse isn’t just talking about using the name of God and Jesus Christ in a profane or blasphemous way. It’s also referring to breaking your promises.


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