
Are you being unfaithful to God?

A lot of people misinterpret the Scripture when it says that God is a jealous God. Because we tend to think of jealousy as an ugly thing. But jealousy can actually be a very beautiful thing. 


Have you become your own idol?

Some who read today’s verses might think, “This passage doesn’t really apply to me that much because I don’t have other gods. I don’t worship idols. I’m not in some cult or some false religion. I believe in God.”


Satan wants your loved ones

I love the story in Scripture where Moses demanded that Pharaoh let God’s people go. And I particularly love today’s verse.


God’s plan for you.

When Moses stood before Pharaoh and spoke those famous words, "Let my people go," he was revealing the heart of God toward you and me. Did you know that?


This is how we overcome.

In the Scriptures you and I are told that Satan is defeated! This is an incredibly important truth for us to grasp and understand. But I also want you to see how he is defeated.


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