
How you can be prepared for any crisis

Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ. –Galatians 6:2 Many years ago in the Midwest, a young boy wandered off from his house and into a huge wheat field. It was


Lightening others’ spiritual load

Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ. –Galatians 6:2 I remember some years ago when I had a problem with a toe on my left foot. It was just a minor


Getting yourself back in Christian community

There was a family in our church not long ago who experienced a very difficult time. Their young son was severely injured in a car accident. So one of our ministers went to visit this family. And when he walked in, he saw something wonderful. While that family was in the throes of tragedy, fifteen people from their Sunday school class had their arms wrapped around them, just praying, holding them, and loving them through that situation.


The importance of unity in the body of Christ

Every now and then, I’ll be asked to officiate at weddings at other churches across town. I remember one time specifically when I walked in and saw the pastor of this particular church who had been faithful in ministry for nearly fifty years. Our church had just recently taken out an ad in the paper congratulating him on his ministry, and he was so grateful for that show of appreciation from another church.


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